Working since 2020

Mobile application for buying tickets is a ticket operator of events on a federal scale, which cooperates with the largest promotional companies in Russia and the world.

We ordered the creation of a mobile application from CleverPumpkin. The developers and designers completely took care of all the creation, design and testing tasks. If necessary, they are ready to send the app for builds at any time of the day without weekends and holidays. They also do everything on their own in terms of Appstore and Google stores.

The output was a quality product with well thought-out functionality.

We received timely answers to all our questions. In the process of work a lot of ideas were proposed, which, when implemented, really brought results. I am glad that the company employs responsible, friendly and experienced employees who care about the result. The CleverPumpkin team also thought of additional possibilities. We are happy with the work done and continue to cooperate with this company, improving our mobile application with their help.

On behalf of the whole team of the company "Cashier" we would like to thank you for fruitful cooperation and quality work!
— Ksenia Borzhova
Project manager
Customer review
In 2 months we developed a multifunctional app where users can find interesting events in their city, choose seats and buy tickets.

We have been developing the app since 2020.
Together with the team, we released many useful updates that improve the user experience and conversion rate in the app.
What we have done
Technologies and tools
Engineering and design
iOS architecture
Android architecture
iOS language
Since the launch of the first version of the app
2 300 000
74 000 000
event searches
40 000 000
Android language
event screen hits
Android Studio
IDE Android
Crash-Free Rate
Recommendation Tour
Compiles personalized event selections based on user preferences.
On the home page, you can see a list of current events. It is dynamic and changes depending on the season and upcoming celebrations.

Stories will help you keep up to date with the current events of the city.

With the help of the events calendar you can see the events of a specific date.
Search and filters
Flexible search system with many filters will help you find interesting events.
About Event
Contains detailed information about the event, photos or promos, and the ability to select a date and seats.
A description of the rate and the number of seats available helps you easily select the ticket that is right for you.
The main user scenarios are highlighted in a separate block for quick access.

The screen also contains all the necessary functions and tools to manage your account. In the profile you can always find out the number of accumulated bonus points under the CashBack program.
Purchase History
Here you can view information about events attended, find tickets for upcoming events, and pay for your order if something went wrong during checkout. Compiles personalized event selections based on user preferences.
Gift Certificates
In the app, you can buy a certificate with a free value or a fixed amount as a gift for another person or as a way to pay for your tickets in the future. At checkout, the user selects one of the stylish ready-made designs.
Dark theme
The app is fully customized with a dark theme for a comfortable user experience.
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+7 (812) 628-53-74
+7 (495) 131-53-74

197374 St. Petersburg, 83, Savushkina St., b.3 BC "Antares"
© 2011-2024 CleverPumpkin Ltd