User authorization is integrated via Firebase
iOS Developer
Dater is written using the latest Apple API: Combine, SwiftUI, Compositional layout. This allowed us to speed up development. By definition, what we used to spend a day on before can now be realized in an hour. But the most difficult part of the project was SRT integration. This is a relatively new data transfer protocol and there are very few examples of its use in the public domain. But we still managed to integrate it.

Working with video was (and still is) a difficult part of the project. I had never worked with broadcasts before, and there were a lot of questions. But working with video was the most interesting part, because it had never been done before and it was interesting to understand how it worked. We used SRT protocol for stable connection without packet loss and for protection against network bandwidth fluctuations. Plus interaction with the backend is based on firebase technologies - it's fun to understand them and some parts are very convenient to use in the project.
Android Team Lead
A new and interesting experience for the development team was working with streaming audio and video.
In this project on the testing side specific moments and difficulties were much less than on the development side, although working with Firebase Firestore is a new experience for us. But for example, one of the testing problems is the absence of requests and server responses in the usual form. So we couldn't edit them, generate errors, etc. But Firebase Firestore makes it possible to test the cases themselves with the displayed information instantly and conveniently. And also for the first time I work with the service of video calls, broadcasts. It is certainly cool!
The iOS version is written using Apple's new API: Combine, SwiftUI and Compositional layout.
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QA Lead

Dater video dating and live-streaming mobile app

A party app for energized video meetings with streamers. Call in videos, share your creativity, pump up your charisma, meet new friends and socialize!

Always have someone to talk to

The most active users get the status of Ambassadors.

Instant video calls to connect with new friends around the world.
Subscribe to the best interlocutors right in the app or continue socializing in social networks.
Customize your account to your liking, turn on push notifications about internal parties, the beginning of broadcasts of Ambassadors and messages in the chat.
If you don’t like the user, you can always terminate the call early. And if the caller behaved incorrectly, you can add him to the black list or send a complaint against him.
Content is monitored by AI, ensuring that calls are secure and only vivid conversations with live people are made.
All calls last no more than 3 minutes. If you like the person you are talking to, you can extend the call if you have earned coins.
Iternal currency
Energy for calls is replenished every 6 hours. It limits the number of encounters for which a dater can receive call rewards — coins.
If the dialog with you is interesting to the interlocutor and he will prolong the call, coins will be a reward for your creativity.

приложение для знакомств
Oleg Dater
Founder & CEO
Our goal is to have an endless video party in phones, which you want to return to. We have been following the path of a web application for a long time: we believed in the potential of this exotic platform. But in the end, they recognized that for an adequate Retention Rate, it is necessary to completely transfer it to a native mobile application. We chose CleverPumpkin for development when we saw that the product "ideology" and ambitions of the guys coincide with ours. The coolest task was to transfer WebRTC calls on the VoxImplant platform to the SRT protocol with its server. We also had to work hard on synchronizing video calls between Android and iOS devices.

The result is the first release of a nice Dater application with working key functions. On this foundation we will now build various weighty mechanics.
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+7 (812) 628-53-74
+7 (495) 131-53-74

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